Friday, November 13, 2009


I will buy nice looking muscle cars,
i will buy big house for me and
one big one for my parents,
alot of food and quads,ski-doo
and dirt bike just for me.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Three peaple?

2pac-how did you start rapping?

Ovechkin-how many years have you played for?

Joey stylez-how old were you when you started singing?

B.I.G-how did you die?

Friday, October 23, 2009

If had to change something in your life what would i be?

There i something i hate in my
life it is low school marks.
I'll change it by doing my work
in school and listing to the
teacher to what she has to say.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

my three goals?

hey my name is alfred and i have three goals

they are playing any kind of sport and hockey

is my favorite sport finishing school,going to college

and have a nice job. and i like fox riders.